Fall Golf Season in the Winter/Spring of 2021 Update

11 Feb 2021 by Jon Browne

OM Golfers and Parents,
I know many of you are eagerly awaiting information regarding the upcoming Golf season. I want to shed some light on what I currently know, and what is currently on the table. What I know is this….
We are still in the process of securing HoCo Golf Courses to participate in this “pandemic” season. We have lost some courses and some have not yet committed. The commitment of the remaining courses will be instrumental with having the season happen. Right now, we anticipate starting the season on March 1st. That will help with the obvious weather impedements we are experiencing now. As Golf is a unique sport which requires the use of outside of HoCo school facilities, we are at the whim of the courses availability to make this happen. If we get the needed commitment from enough courses we will have an abridged season. The plan moving forward is to play 4 to 5 matches on Wednesdays in March/April and to practice (range/putting green) one other day a week. I would like to have a Google Meet for Players/Parents on Tuesday, Feb. 16th @ 6 PM (Google Meet code: OMGolf) If you can’t make that, I will continue to post information on this webpage, our OM Team app website. Please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at: jbrowne@hcpss.org


Coach Browne

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